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The #1 Platform For Creators

Next-Gen Creator Tools,
without the technical pain.

Create video notes, analyze scenes, generate B-roll, train AI, and more. Watch videos on YouTube, add bookmarks, and Creator Studio does the rest.

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Create Bookmarks


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Eat Popcorn

Watch videos on YouTube as you normally would. When you see something you like, click the "Add Bookmark" icon in the Creator Studio panel. When you're done, select the plugin you want to use, and voilΓ !

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Creator Studio

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Analyze videos in a new way and learn like never before

Collections offer a powerful way to analyze YouTube videos from multiple perspectives and learn. You can create one collection to save highlights, another to analyze the script, another to save quotes, another to analyze audio... you get the picture.

Collections are private by default, but you can choose to share them with others. When someone views a video you've analyzed and they have the Creator Studio extension installed, they'll be able to see your collections.

Get to the point

Bookmarks are points of interest in a video, enabling you to quickly jump to specific parts. Each bookmark captures a screenshot of the frame at the time it was added, allowing you to see what's happening at that point in the video at a glance. You can also add notes to your bookmarks.

Crazy powerful

Plugins enable you to accomplish tasks you could only dream of before. It's like having a team of 20 people working for you.

Analyze entire videos to create summaries and highlights, or select bookmarks to train large language models, generate B-roll, analyze frames, and much more.

The possibilities are endless.

Founding Members

Lifetime Membership

This is a one-time offer, and these licenses are extremely limited. I won't be offering them again. Once they're gone, they're gone.

What’s included

  • All software developed under the Creator Studio license
  • Access to a private Discord server
  • Exclusive member resources
  • Companion plugins & templates for Obsidian

Pay once, own it forever


Get Creator Studio

Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement

Frequently Asked Questions